Sunday, July 15, 2012

Learning How to Blog

Please bear with me as I learn the ins and outs of this whole blog-thingy!
I feel compelled to share My Great Success #1: I think I posted a comment on another blog as me, on this blog.  I think.
My next learning is how to insert a picture - I think I can do this one - we'll know in a minute.....
My husband, John, and I hanging out in Oak Creek Canyon
Wahoo!  It worked!  That's me - on vacation in Sedona, Arizona.  A quick plug for my state: if you've never been here you should come visit. To those who don't live here it is a real surprise: we have far more than just dry, dusty desert. The red rocks of Sedona alone, are worth the trip.  And nearby Oak Creek Canyon is the most peaceful, beautiful, lush drive you can imagine.  Rand McNally named it one of the top 8 drives in our wonderful, diverse country.  Okay, I'm done now!
Check another item of learning off my list: I can now add pictures directly from my computer to my blog! My Great Success #2.
As you can see, I am taking another page out of what I try to instill in my students - celebrate all successes - no mater how large or small.  We all can learn and grow in some area - and any learning is a good thing!
Later, I might just try to add a link.  Or a button.  Who knows - at this point adding anything will be a great success!


  1. HI! I am glad you visited my blog, Splish Splash Ms Lander's class. I am new to blogging too!! I will be following along with encouraging words. Maybe we can help each other!
    Have a great day!

  2. Kim,
    I was so excited to see this comment - it's my first one! I'm a little giddy right now! Also, I went to your profile page - What kind of dog do you have? I swear my dog, Arnold, looks just like yours! Arnold is a Maltese/Yorkie mix.

    I would love a little advice from you -
    How did you get your blog to look so cute? I don't even know where to begin for that.
    How do you "link up" for Linkys? (Such as the Surfin' Through Second Classroom Theme/Inspiration Linky?

    Thanks for any help you can provide!
